Insurance For Agribusiness, LLC.

Disability Insurance

DisabilityYour income depends on your being able to work your farm. A lot relies on your income – perhaps even more than you think. If the unexpected happens – you become too sick or hurt to work – would your savings be adequate?

Individual disability income insurance helps protect a portion of your income and provides financial protection if you become disabled for an extended period of time.

Agriculture has one of the highest disability rates in the nation. Farmers and ranchers, or anyone who depends on their income to pay the bills or maintain their lifestyle, should consider disability income insurance protection.

Key Features of Disability Income Insurance

  • Helps protect a portion of your earned income to help maintain your current lifestyle.
  • Can complement existing disability benefit coverage that may be available to you.
  • Fully portable. You own the policy and can take it with you throughout your career.
  • Benefits are usually tax free.
  • Flexible solutions for various income levels.